Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Beta Update

First, I have to say that Dr. W's nurse is quite possibly the sweetest nurse I have ever met. If the world were coming to an end, she would make it seem alright. She called back a few minutes ago and wouldn't you know it happened to be the two minutes I stepped out of my office to go to the bathroom. Murphy's law. Her message said that my estrogen and progesterone levels "are enough to support a pregnancy" so I suppose they are not quite as concerned although they do want us back for another blood test Friday morning. If all goes well on Friday, they will schedule us for an ultrasound the following week.

My next acupuncture appointment is Thursday and I have a call into my wonderful acupuncturist to see if she thinks I should come in before then since I couldn't make last week's appointment. Perhaps I just need my qi to be helped along a little bit.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your support. Within moments of my last posting I was reassured with your kind words. I could not immediately get Dana on the phone, and it was great to know all of you are out there for me and us when we need a pick-me-up.

1 comment:

R said...