Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Still Here

Yes, it seems like I've been on hiatus for a while. No, there is no major crisis or extraordinary event to share. The boring truth is I (and we) have just been plain busy. So busy that each night I can barely keep my eyes open for the hour before my head hits the pillow. Like right now. Here's what has been keeping me busy:
  • Work, it is picking up which is a good thing. For example, last week I had to drive three hours each way to Durham, NC, two days in a row. Tomorrow I have a hearing in Statesville, N.C. Thus, I seem to have less time to post during the day. I still find time to read all of your blogs though. :)
  • Dana's sister was in town from last Wednesday through Sunday. On Sunday we had two more house guests for one night.
  • Saturday night we attended the annual Carolinas HRC Gala. Kathy Najimy was the keynote speaker and HRC president Joe Solmonese also addressed the attendees. It was a great evening.
  • I worked my second job (yes, I have a second job at a a backpacking gear shop) last Tuesday night, all day Sunday, and last night.
My yarn for the baby hats arrived and I haven't even had time to knit! I usually try to knit most nights but I can't remember the last time I picked up my latest project. Sigh.

I went to acupuncture today during lunch and my acupuncturist noted that today is CD 17 for me. I had no idea. It was such a bizarre realization that I don't even know what cycle day it is. Since the miscarriage, the mandated opt out for this cycle, and the unknown return of the normal cycle, I have not been charting, counting, or even thinking about ovulation. The truth is that I have felt a sense of relief during this hiatus. This relief has been juxtaposed against my readiness to jump back onto the ride and the wait to do so. Although I have hardly taken note of each day's passing and the miniature milestones we would be reaching with what was the little bean inside of me, yesterday would have been our first appointment and ultrasound with our OB after being released from the RE. And that made me sad and remorseful again for the first time in a long while. Here's to hoping the days continue to pass and turn into weeks and before we know it we're inseminating again in mid-March!


Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself, but sorry you're so tired! March will be here before you know it. oxox

sky said...

hello, i was there at the Carolina's HRC gala too! a friend who reads your blog and mine obviously - shared this post with me.

nice to meet you!