Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Incredible Shrinking Boobs

I am back to an A. Sigh. For once in my life I was a B. Now I've returned to familiarity and I can walk down the stairs at home without a bra on, none the wiser to this nightly event. The tenderness has subsided too. The only lingering element I would now like to disappear is the bleeding, although it is significantly better than Monday, or even Tuesday for that matter. Monday was terrible and I had cramping like I have never had before. Yesterday and today have been much better and things are looking (and lightening) up. Next blood test is Friday.


Anonymous said...

glad you're feeling somewhat better. don't worry about the boobs. they'll be back.

thinking of you, oxox

NotesFrom2Moms said...

You girls are still in my thoughts.

Ninefirefly said...

I'm sorry for you guys, I felt the same way about my boobs. I could finally fill out a low-cut shirt and then I went right back to the itty bitty titty commitee after the miscarraige. I have faith that we will both get our boobs back asap!!!