Saturday, March 29, 2008

Still Here, Still Waiting

8 DPO and still waiting. Waiting for the two week wait to conclude. Waiting for any sign prior to the conclusion. I got nothin' so far but I am still cautiously optimistic. Earlier on in this two week wait dare I say that something inside of me that I cannot explain told me a little blastocyst was making its way down my fallopian tubes and preparing itself to settle in for nine months. That same something inside me has been telling me the past two days that this cycle will end with the two week wait and we'll be back to square one just in time for an April IUI. Tomorrow that feeling will probably tell me something entirely different and equally as confusing, corroborated by my less than helpful temperature chart that looks nothing like any of my past cycles.


R said...

Sending you lots of babydust!! Never give up the hope til AF shows!!

jessie said...

keeping my fingers crossed!!!

i tagged you on my blog:)

jessie said...
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j.k-c. said...

Oh, the wait can be difficult. Fingers crossed for you!

Mary Lewis-Pierce said...

The month I conceived I felt the presence of a little boy. Its ridiculous, but then again, I did just put my little boy down for a nap. Good luck!

Lizzie said...

fingers crossed for you!!

Lizzie said...

If you need a distraction, I just tagged you .... check out my blog.

Kelly Green said...

We are waiting with you . . . .

Anonymous said...

I'm so sick of the waiting. Your positive visualizations are great! Try to keep the hope love. I'm all crossed for you.
