Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No FISH Today

FISH results were supposed to be back today - by 10AM. 10 AM came and went - no results. I called the genetic counselor at the clinic and was informed that the lab is in New Mexico and their system says my test is still "in the lab." I called back at 3PM - still no results. This was only supposed to take 48 hours but we had to wait until today due to the holiday weekend.

The genetic counselor just called. Apparently the lab did not have enough of a sample to get FISH, the quick results that reveal Downs Syndrome and a few other common syndromes. The genetic counselor said the lab will not sacrifice FISH results for the full battery of test/results, which include any chromosomal abnormalities that would have been included in the FISH results. So, we'll have to wait the full two weeks for any answers. I'm not very patient when it comes to these things. Sigh....


j.k-c. said...

OMG..I am so angry about this. I can't believe that they are going to make you wait 2 weeks for the peace of mind....that's just mean.

Kelly Green said...

Oh, man. I can't believe it.

Carrie said...

man. just when you make it through the first insane TWW to get a BFP...now you have to deal with another TWW. I'm so sorry, hon.

NotesFrom2Moms said...

i'm so so sorry... It really sucks - but at least you can rest assured the results you do get will be accurate.

my cowgirl alter-ego said...

This would drive me insane... hugs to you guys while you wait.

chroniclesofconception said...

Wow. What a hard TWW. You girls will definitely be in my thoughts. Hang in there. xo