Monday, May 19, 2008

Too Long

I know it has been way too long since my last blog entry. Everything over here is pretty unremarkable, which I think is a good sign. My pants still do not fit and last week we had to go buy a couple of new pairs - not maternity pants but pants one size bigger.

I must admit I am a little distressed by the weight gain thus far. I have gained almost six pounds and we're only closing in on eleven weeks. I've struggled with my weight my entire life and although I was small to begin with, I have a hard time putting on weight, even though I know it is baby related. The problem is that it doesn't look or feel baby related right now. I feel like I look fat, not pregnant. I'm still a vegetarian, still eating well, and still exercising. Sigh....

We have had two OB appointments and had brief ultrasounds at both. The bebe is looking great and our doctor announced at the last appointment he thought this would be a perfect pregnancy. I hope he is right! We have our appointment for non-invasive Downs Syndrome testing this Thursday at a maternal fetal medicine clinic. Our next OB appointment won't be until June.

On Wednesday we are meeting with a potential doula. I've spoken to her once on the phone and really liked her. She will do two prenatal visits and one postnatal visit. She recommended laboring at home for as long as possible and she will come to our house to be with us during that time and then travel to the hospital. I was happy to hear her recommendations on laboring at home because I would like to stay at home for as long as possible.

We are just starting to buy a few things for the little one. Last week I bought an Amby Baby Hammock Motion Bed from a woman who advertised it on Craigslist. She didn't use it but one night before they put their baby in bed with them so it is really brand new. We hope to have it in our room for the first couple of months and then move it into the nursery. Have any of you used the Amby Baby Hammock Motion Bed? This I know is just the first of many purchases.


Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you! I'm glad to hear everything is well. I know it's assvice to say anything about weight, so I'll just wish you peace with it. It's such a battle for many of us - baby bump or not.

I'm excited to hear more about the amby bed. It's definitely at the top of my wish list.


NotesFrom2Moms said...

i too struggled with the weight issue... i was working out, doing yoga and still gaining... its just part of it. I've come to terms with the fact that being pregnant makes you gain weight. I've just set out to be as healthy as possible with eating and exercising - i expect the universe to work it out.

R said...

Happy Anniversary. I hope ya have a great evening together.

i suffer with the weight issue too. I lost 100 pounds years ago and gained 20 when i quit smoking but i understand the inner turmoil you have with not wanting to gain much b/c of the not wanting to be heavy. I hear you girl.

Heather said...

Yay Yay!

Boy, I sure am glad ya'll will have done all the research for us by the time we have a little one! :)

chroniclesofconception said...

I think all of us deal with the weight issues. Just remember you're eating well and being healthy and that's everything you can do. Gaining weight during pregnancy is healthy, normal and actually encouraged!! Glad to hear baby is well! Let us know about the bed. I'm very curious....

chroniclesofconception said...

I think all of us deal with the weight issues. Just remember you're eating well and being healthy and that's everything you can do. Gaining weight during pregnancy is healthy, normal and actually encouraged!! Glad to hear baby is well! Let us know about the bed. I'm very curious....