I can't believe it has been nearly 4 months since my last post. Wow. Time flies. It isn't that I haven't had blogworthy things to write about - because I have - like the disappointment of not being able to make enough milk after pumping religiously, taking the prescription Reglan, having Miller's frenulum clipped, taking More Milk Plus herbs, and the disappointment of having to supplment with formula, like my struggle with the baby blues, like the arrival of our wonderful au pair, like my difficult return to work, like struggles with sleep - I could go on and on. Now most of those issues seem so far removed, except I still haven't slept for eight hours straight since November 29th and I still struggle with milk production (we still have to supplement) but otherwise life with Miller is grand. Those of you that are my internt friends who are still trying to conceive, hang in there, because it is all worth it in the end. And in the end, you will barely remember the struggles of trying to get there. I will leave you with some pictures of Miller at four and a half months old. I vow to be better about updating.

What a cutie!
One new mom I know couldn't produce enough milk either. She was very disappointed at first, but began to appreciate a wonderful benefit of the situation: her partner (and the baby's non-birthing mom) took over formula feedings and in doing so took on a necessary and life-sustaining role in their baby's life. That role helped to (further) cement the family's bond.
he is so so cute!
So cute!!! I'm glad to hear from you and to know that you are getting through all this parenting stuff! And I'm glad that life with Miller is grand!
welcome back! miller is so cute!
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