Tuesday, November 25, 2008


As of our OB appointment late this afternoon, I am 3 cm dilated and 90 percent effaced. The OB says he would be surprised if Miller didn't make his grand entrance sometime within the next week. Now we wait....


Mary Lewis-Pierce said...

Oh my goodness - Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! I'm all tingly for you! So excited darling. Keep us updated. xo

Kelly Green said...

Whoa! P - p - l - leeeaaassseee keep us posted.

Kelly Green said...

I am really freakin' excited.

evangeline said...

WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!! So so so excited!

chroniclesofconception said...

thats awesome!!!! LOTS of good luck and wishes for a safe delivery! cant wait to hear!! xo