Friday, October 10, 2008


Yes, it has been a while since my last post. I have a good excuse. We have now officially gone on and returned from our "babymoon" - seven wonderful days in Hawaii. I will post some pictures as soon as I upload them to my computer. I promise. We're now settling in for the home stretch - just seven more weeks to go until I am full term, nine more to go until our due date. Many times I am left wondering where all the time went because it seems to have slipped by so quickly.

To avoid a gruesomely long post, here is what is happening in our world:
  • Nursery - Dana took this on as her project and it is nearly complete. It looks wonderful and I will post pictures soon.
  • The cloth diapers we ordered have arrived. Anyone with any cloth diapering tips, suggestions for washing, etc., please feel free to share.
  • I passed the three hour glucose test!
  • We have moved into the realm of OB appointments every two weeks. Soon we'll have an appointment every week.
  • This Sunday is week 5 of 6 of our HypnoBabies class. I love HypnoBabies and highly reccomend the class. Hopefully all the work and practice will pay off when our little guy decides to arrive.
  • We took a breastfeeding class at the hospital a few weeks ago. Definitely worthwhile. We are signed up for an infant first aid and CPR class in a couple of weeks.
  • Our au pair paperwork is finished and we are now in the process of sorting through au pair applications. We think this is the route will we take for child care for the first year because I will have to go back to work after my 12 week maternity leave. Any thoughts or advice in this area is welcome.
More to come later....


CV said...

Hi LKC-- it looks like you and Dana are doing lots of all the right things to get ready for your baby's arrival--- isn't it exciting to be so close? And it will be even better when you get to show your baby the world...
You mention that you're interested in getting some advice about au pairs... one place to look is, a blog for host moms. There isn't much yet about selecting an au pair, but there are many ideas about organizing yourselves, your home, etc. that might be helpful. Also, you can pose your questions to the readers and see what advice hey have for you. Au Pairs can be a great way to go if you and your partner need childcare flexibility during the day and week to accommodate you as you ease back into work and as you and Dana find your parenting rhythm. Check it out at you leisure, that is, before your baby arrives! all the best to you soon to be moms--- aka cv

Two Mamas said...


We have done cloth diapering for 6 months and we absolutely love them!

We use the BumGenius One Size Pocket diapers. They're easy to use and you don't have to buy new ones with each growth spurt.

One piece of advise I can offer is to pick up some Charlie's Soap. It works miracles on poopy diapers and will get out stains from just about anything!!

Best wishes on your little one and may you have a wonderful delivery!

The Amily Diaries said...

The days are counting down for you guys! Congrats! We will be following you guys as well...