Thursday, July 10, 2008

All Is Well

We just finished our level II ultrasound at the perientologist and not only did our little guy measure right on target, all organs looked perfect, including the heart - so much so that he said we did not need to come back for our scheduled ultrasound in August. Hooray! We have an OB appointment in just over an hour and then we're finished with appointments for this month.

I can't explain the complete relief I feel at this moment. In the past hour I have fully let my worries and fears go and am now 110% attached to this little guy incubating inside me. Not that I wasn't attached before today's good news, but I held a part of me back, just in case something was developmentally wrong and not correctable. My heart is now fully open and loves this little guy more than I could ever imagine. I truly can't wait to meet him.

On Monday we toured the women's center at the hospital where we will deliver. The womens' center opened only a couple of years ago and is practically brand new. The birthing and postpartum rooms are intended to be "spa-like" with jacuzzi tubs, hardwood floors, beds for partners, and other amenities. While not quite spa standards, it is as close as it gets for a hospital and we were very impressed with the facilities. They even have lactation consultants on staff that come to the room shortly after the birth to help begin breastfeeding. Of course our doula will be with us as well.

I debated whether to share our little guy's name in the blogoshpere world or abbreviate it as some do, but Dana and I agreed to share it as long as we withhold the last name. Drum roll...our little guy's name will be....Miller! Miller was my great uncle, my beloved grandmother's brother. Dana and I had no trouble agreeing on this name and it just fit from the moment it was spoken. Miller!


Chris and Penny said...

congrats on all looking well at your big ultrasound! so glad that you can breathe a sigh of relief and open yourself up to loving little miller 100%. such a cute name, too! yay!

NotesFrom2Moms said...

congrats on the name pick, the ultrasound, and the de-stressing of it all. I'm so glad it all turned out so fantastic...

jessie said...

Love the name! Glad everything is healthy and developing with little Miller. The Women's Center sounds GREAT!

Pufferfish said...

Your birthing center sounds Great! I'm so happy that everything check out fine with little Miller--cute name!

Mary Lewis-Pierce said...

Congratulations on the ultrasound. That birthing center sounds great. I had problems, so I ended up giving birth at the hospital. The jacuzzi sounds nice, but I think I am most impressed with the lactation consultant. They are really helpful in those first few days.

And I love the name Miller.

Lizzie said...

Thrilled that the ultrasound went well! Lovely name.

evangeline said...

miller is a GREAT name! Congrats on the ultrasound!

chroniclesofconception said...

lost your email!!! we would love to try to see you guys while we're in charlotte. we are visiting friends for the weekend, but may be able to swing it. email me so i'll have your email address again -sorry!

ps. i've noticed a lot more boys from IUI's too! but, actually we used a known donor - so we had the fresh stuff and did the insem ourselves at i don't know if the stats apply to us, but hey, we're happy regardless!!!! thanks for your sweet words of congrats :)

Reproducing Genius said...

What a great name! I'm so glad your ultrasound showed that everything is fine. And the Women's Center sounds wonderful, especially for a hospital!