For Jessie at Love+Love=Marriage and In Loco Parentis:
What is on my bedside table?
The rules -
Reference back to the blog that tagged you. Then post what you’ve got on the table (chair, nightstand, whatever) beside your bed. Leave nothing out. Nothing. Tag 3 other folks.
I must admit my bedside table is not very exciting. I hate clutter. Absolutely hate it. So, my bedside table merely houses the alarm clock, the basal body thermometer, the remote control for the fan, and some sheet spray from the Good Home Company. I also have a book on the bottom shelf, Bees in America. I'm still on my honeybee kick.
For the above meme, I tag Notes from Two Moms, Growing Our Little Bean Part II, and Mommy on the Floor.
For Lizzie at Two Chicks in Pursuit of a Babe:
Make A List of Five Things You Have to Get Done This Week, No Matter How Small
The Rules -
Reference back to the blog that sent you. Make a list of 5 things that you have to get done this week, no matter how small. Tag 2 other people.
My to-do list:
1) Buy tickets for this May's Lake Eden Arts Festival in Black Mountain, North Carolina. (If any of you are in the area, or even if you are not and want to travel, this is a great festival. Join us!)
2) Email the jeweler who made Dana's wedding ring about a chip in one of her sapphires.
3) Buy a membership to the Levine Museum of the New South (one of my very best friend is the director of development and I promised I would before the end of March.)
4) Over seed our lawn.
5) Take a home pregnancy test (or two, or three!)
For this meme I tag Sarah at Mrs. Bluemont's House of Things and In Loco Parentis.
pretty ring!
I love that ring!!
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