Monday, January 21, 2008

Why Birthday Cake Makes Everything Better (Part II)

Two pink lines! Positive test #1: 8:15 AM yesterday. Positive test #2: 7:30 PM yesterday. Positive test #3: 6:15 AM today. We are still in a cloud of wonder and amazement. I keep asking myself why we are the lucky ones, the one hit wonders. I cannot help feel a bit of guilt when I know there are so many traveling down this path that have to ride this roller coaster for months and even years before they conceive. My heart goes out to all of you and I am sending you any residual luck I may have left over!

Nonetheless, we are overjoyed, to say the least. Our RE will want to confirm with a blood test. As I posted previously, I have to be in another city, 120 miles away, for work at 10 AM so they are letting me come in today and will have the beta back to us later this afternoon.

Dana says she knew all along. She says there were signs. I discounted all of those signs:

Sore chest/breasts - the day before this sign appeared I worked out at the gym, doing various upper body strength training.

Sore abdominal area - again, the day before the sore abs appeared, I was at the gym and my workout included multiple reps on the ab machine.

Gassy - I am a vegetarian. I am always gassy. What else can I say?

Hungry - I am always hungry. Dana says I've been more finicky about what I eat. This is perhaps true.

There you have it, in a nutshell. Still in disbelief. Did I say that already? :)


JK said...

Wow, congrats! That's amazing.

jessie said...


Eryn said...

congratulations! don't beat yourself up for getting preg so quickly. i wouldn't wish the long route on anyone!

Ashley said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! As a "one hit wonder" ourselves....I beg of you to not feel guilty. Be excited and don't let anyone drag you down! This is absolutely amazing!!! Can't wait to find out your beta numbers...don't worry about the first one...the second one which tells the doubling time is the one that matters. Wishing you lots of sticky sticky baby dust!

Unknown said...

YAY! Congratulations!
Send some of your fertile and sticky vives our way!

Chris and Penny said...

holy crap! are you serious? amazing news! congrats!!

RainbowMomma said...

WOW! What super exciting news!!!! I am so happy for you girls! I'm just tickled pink. (Or maybe blue....who knows!) Either way, CONGRATS to the Vermonter-at-heart!!!!!

R said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS ladies!! So so excited!! Send some of that babydust over here will ya? :)

tui said...

Congratulations!We're very happy for you - that is some excellent news!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm so happy for you! that is just wonderful news. congratulations mama!

j.k-c. said...

Holy Cow!!! CONGRATS, COGNRATS, CONGRATS!!!! So glad for you!
Are we going to see pics of the positive test? I LOVE pics!
Here's to a healthy and happy nine months!

Kelly Green said...

I read this post three times, three times!, before I realized that YOU ARE FREAKIN' PREGNANT! I cannot even believe it. I can't believe it. What terrific news!