Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh, the Waiting....

Officially we are now 3 days post ovulation and insemination, although fertility friend thinks I am four days past ovulation. Not sure which to believe, our RE and the blood test, or fertility friend and the temps. I admit I have a love/hate relationship with fertility friend. I know the first part of this cycle was a little wacky because we went to Alaska which is a four hour time difference AND I was sick for most of the days we were there. But since our return on the 1st, everything has returned to normal, whatever that is.

Time is passing ever so slowly. Sigh. I have no symptoms. Zero. Nada. Zilch. But I am only 3 days into this whole waiting thing. I am trying to be cautiously optimistic. Statistically, one of us has to be a one hit wonder, right?

To distract me from my ever-present wondering, in a few hours I depart for an all weekend work event. Although normally I would not be thrilled at the prospect of spending my weekend listening to various panels about how women can succeed in the big male-dominated law firm world and how to use our individual strengths in achieving our goals, the entire program is being held at the Umstead Hotel and Spa, a swanky getaway that we would never go to otherwise. I even get a 50 minute facial on Saturday as part of the weekend - on the firm! Dana will drive up today after work to meet me there to lounge in our plush hotel room all weekend. She starts school again next week (she works full time and is getting her masters degree) and this will be a great way to relax before her chaos begins again.

Happy Friday!


jessie said...

I'm glad you have a "fun" weekend ahead and a chance to get away and get out of your TTC-mindset (maybe?).

Chris and Penny said...

yay for a fun work weekend in a swanky place and with a free facial! yeah! hang in there with the dreaded 2 ww. indeed, someone has to get knocked up on their first try, so why the hell not you! hang in there. congrats on being past your first insem. you are finally on your way!!

j.k-c. said...

Spa weekend sounds lovely (why do I work for a non-profit?)
I was wondering why I see my chart in your post?

Anonymous said...

what lovely plans! don't worry about symptoms this early. enjoy your weekend away!